How to care about female rabbits and their babies
Create a nest. The baby bunnies will
need a nest made of something soft such as a blanket or towels in a box. Also,
pet stores sell nesting wool for baby rabbits. Cover the box to create a dark
environment, but leave a gap of about an inch for air to reach the babies. The
room temperature should be between 68 to 72 degrees Fahrenheit and the bunnies
should be kept in a quiet area.
Feed the mother rabbit a healthy
diet consisting of high-fiber pellets and fresh vegetables. Stay away from beans
and rhubarb. Serve her broccoli, Brussels sprouts, carrots with tops, celery
and other green leafy vegetables. Her babies should be nursing, but rabbits
only nurse once a day. If the female is not feeding her babies, take her out of
the nesting area so she does not harm them. Feed the babies kitten milk
replacement twice a day with a tablespoon of cream added to each can. Use a
kitten feeding bottle to give milk to newborn bunnies. Check out
for a chart on how much to feed a baby bunny each week before weaning at four
weeks. Overfeeding can lead to death.
Handle with care. When lifting
bunnies, do not pick them up by the ears or scruff. Stroke the top of a
rabbit's head. Unlike dogs, rabbits do not react positively to having someone
displaying a hand for sniffing. This action is perceived as threatening to
rabbits and may lead to an attack. Many rabbits do not enjoy having the tip of
their nose or chin touched. Once a bunny is comfortable being held, you can
cradle it.
Clean the rabbit and babies. After
feedings, wash each baby bunny's face and bottom. When the mama rabbit needs
cleaning, cradle her. The cradling position is known to lead a bunny into a
hypnotized state so wiping her face and other areas will be easier.
Exercise rabbits. Bunnies require
exercise for good health. Allow the female rabbit to exercise, then return her
to the babies for nursing after she has had time to run around.
Plan for the future. Decide if the
female rabbit and bunnies will be indoor pets or kept outside. Indoor rabbits
can be litter box trained. If rabbits are kept outside, do not allow them to
roam free unless you do not plan on keeping them as pets. A suitable pen must
be purchased or constructed. It is recommended that any rabbits kept outside as
pets be brought inside at least once a day.
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